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BuildPAC Hawaii Contribution

Picture of BuildPAC Hawaii Contribution
BuildPAC Hawaii Contribution
The price must be from $1.00 to $10,000.00
With BuildPAC Hawaii, our industry has a united voice at the state legislature and at our City Council.

BIA Hawaii's Government Relations Committee (GRC) works to monitor legislative session activity and code amendments/adoptions, and submits testimony related to bills of importance to our industry. During election season, GRC holds candidate interviews and makes endorsement and contribution recommendations to the BuildPAC Hawaii Board of Trustees.

Contributions to BuildPAC Hawaii enable us to support pro-housing candidates each election season - we work to educate and inform candidates, and with candidate contributions, we get a seat at the table to rally against poor permitting practices and support bills that effectively address issues in our industry.

Every dollar counts. BuildPAC Hawaii calls on BIA Hawaii's entire membership to mobilize - we need 100% participation from you.

Please make all donations from your credit card or checking account. Contributions from companies must identify the Full Name, Address, and % of Company Ownership for each individual owner at the time of contribution - remember that the Campaign Spending Commission recognizes the individual as the contributor, not the Company. 

LIMITS: $1,000 Per Individual Contribution, Per Election Period (Primaries/General). Keep track of your contributions across all activity with BuildPAC Hawaii and elsewhere - CSC takes the aggregate when applying limits.


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