Date and Time
Friday Jan 10, 2025
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM HST
Date: January 10, 2025
Time: 7:00AM - 4:00PM
94-487 Akoki Street
Waipahu, HI 96797
BIA-Hawaii members: $300.00
Non-members: $350.00
Registration Cancellation Policy:
Registration payments are 100% refundable up to 2 weeks prior to class date. Any cancellations less than 2 weeks are 50% refundable.
Contact Information
Eva Marie Whitworth or Kayana Omalza-Ibert 808-629-7504
Send Email

Do you renovate or maintain buildings?
As a contractor or maintenance worker, you play a critical role in helping to prevent lead exposure in buildings. Ordinary renovation and maintenance activities can create toxic lead dust that can harm your customers, children, workers, and even yourself. By following lead-safe work practices, you can prevent lead hazards and reduce childhood lead exposure. Plus, you’ll avoid costly fines for non-compliance – up to $37,500 per violation!
In general, anyone who is paid to perform work that disturbs paint in housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978 must be certified.
Why this is important
Any renovation, repair, or painting (RRP) project in a pre-1978 home that has lead-based paint can easily create dangerous lead dust. If you are planning an RRP project in a pre-1978 home, the EPA requires that firms performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and pre-schools built before 1978 use certified renovators who are trained by EPA-approved training providers and follow lead-safe work practices.
We Have a Solution
An eight-hour class taught by experts in RRP, remediation, and construction. Space for this training is very limited, so be sure to get registered now!
Why you should attend
There are many reasons to attend this Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) training class, including:
- Ignoring the rules can be very expensive - $37,500 fine!
- Following the EPA rules for lead pain can keep your workers safe
- Children are most often affected by lead paint exposure; this can keep them healthy
- Litigation from exposure to lead paint disturbed by renovation is very expensive
- Improved confidence in your renovation bids as you can promote being an EPA-certified renovator
- Ability to promote your business as a certified renovator (more accepted bids)
- Insurance/workers comp reduction possibility
- Addition of another line of business for your organization EPA-certified renovator
Who should attend?
Anyone doing work that has the possibility of disturbing paint requires certification. This could include sanding, scraping, demolition, cutting, drilling, and any other activity that may produce dust, debris & paint chips. his would include general contractors, sub-contractors, handymen, property managers, building owners, facility managers, chief engineers, maintenance technicians, installers, and similar job titles should take advantage of this opportunity to get certified as an EPA-certified renovator.
Anyone doing work that has the possibility of disturbing paint requires certification. This could include sanding, scraping, demolition, cutting, drilling, and any other activity that may produce dust, debris & paint chips. his would include general contractors, sub-contractors, handymen, property managers, building owners, facility managers, chief engineers, maintenance technicians, installers, and similar job titles should take advantage of this opportunity to get certified as an EPA-certified renovator.