Wednesday Apr 16, 2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM HST
Date: April 16, 2025
Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
$350 ETF Rate: $175
Registration Cancellation Policy:
Registration payments are 100% refundable up to 2 weeks prior to the class date. Any cancellation fees less than 2 weeks are 50% refundable.
Eva Marie Whitworth 808-629-7504
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A course that teaches building professionals how to use marketing and sales tools to build a brand and reputation and engage potential customers.
Directions for NAHB Course Registration
1. You will need your own username and password to get access to the NAHB course tests. a. If you already have a login and you know your username and password, you may log in directly to and skip to number 4.
2. To create a free account, if you do not already have one: a. go to the blue box labeled, New to
3. Complete the following online form.
a. You do not need to have an NAHB PIN number. You can bypass this step by checking the box ‘I don’t have
a PIN’ under the PIN field on the form.
b. Once you have created an account, you will receive an email from NAHB, requiring you to confirm your account.
c. Once you have confirmed your account, you can proceed to register for the course. However, if you do not receive this email or experience any issues, please contact the NAHB Help Desk at or call 202-266-8313.
4. Once you have your username and password, you may register for the class using the Registration Link provided by the HBA/Site you are registered with.
5. You will purchase the course by adding it to your cart and proceeding through the prompts. You will not be charged for the course
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94-487 Akoki Street, Waipahu, HI 96797 – 808-629-7500 –